Our society is governed by something called as laws not by the laws admonished by the sages of Himalayas nor by the ingredients which make our culture but by something called as Indian penal codes. Indian penal codes as we know it is not about what is moral or immoral but its about what is legal and illegal. I heard someone say that law is narrow and its because of its immaculate nature to define a citizens action within a frame work and that frame is exiguous in its ability to stand for rectitude all the time........
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Saturday, August 29, 2009
A believed notion is never questioned; it becomes a grave mistake an unpardonable act of arrogance when one does that, what makes those inquisitive minds to do such a thing as to question those notions, what makes them to enquire about those beliefs, what makes them to examine those credence’s even when an entire civilization has flourished upon it? What makes them to question the faith of millions? Faith!!!! Is that what the band of inquisitive minds feel uncomfortable about, or is it because the inquisitive minds prowl on the terrains of certainty and certainty not being the virtue of faith or is it just the reasons behind those faiths which seem even more delusory which gave way to the evolution of those faiths, or is it the inquisitive minds need to question everything, or is it the desiderata of those minds to belong to that ilk of excogitators, to be a breed apart?, one gets confronted with such thoughts when one encounters such characters whose self styled dictum is to question things which are accepted in all self righteousness to be beyond the purview of inquiry.
on the other hand it’s the people whose life’s dwell on those faiths and their hostile grudge towards those who question their beliefs, what makes them to show such belligerence when their belief or faith is belittled as credulity by the inquisitorial minds, at times one gets struck by the appalling verisimilitude in those arguments made by those who question the reason’s behind those faiths, Man reacts to the way his sentience perceives his environment and his cognizance allows him to make choices in his life, what harm it would do if some one chooses to question what is understood or accepted as customary or conventional, what harm it would do if one chooses to allow his probity to help his life take its own course even if it means to lead an unconventional life in the eyes of the people who think that everything about them is conventional. Man “thinks”, and he thinks that he believes in something, he calls it as his faith, Man “thinks” and he thinks that he doesn’t believe in something, and he calls it as his understanding or he thinks that it his understanding. I “think” and I think that man is recreant and covetous his faith is just his flinch to the trepidation that he has inside him because of the nature of life, its ever changing and its uncertain.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Friday, August 14, 2009
Fourth E$tate
It’s the black monkey man on the rampage, Professor abused by his wife for cheating on her, boy throws acid on the girl who dint heed his love pleas, Big B slams slum dog millionaire, Sharukh khans new avatar and his new found six packs, Sun networks sister concern sun pictures new production “The movie” is a super hit screams the headlines and this is the kind of frivolous news we have to put up with as far as the Indian media is concerned, such is the quality of the news that the media believes deserves attention, its these kind of junks which fill the news papers and the hundreds of TV channels that gets aired, how pathetic it can get than the complete news coverage with video footage of a wife making it clear to her husband who happens to be a professor that he was wrong to have cheated on her by blackening his face with the home made ash.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Strange are the ways of life………
What are the odds that a man can get confused by the strange ways of life?, the answer to that question is “many” and that’s obvious, but what are the odds that a man knows that he is right and knows what’s not to be done and yet willingly gets trapped in situation’s that life throws upon him he doesn’t want to be in?, strange as the question might seem to be the answer to that I believe has to be even more stranger. Sometimes man acts to things that he doesn’t wants to and sometimes he doesn’t act to things that he wants to what makes him to perform the things that contradict his mind. Strange, yes strange for one man “thinks” and two he does things that he doesn’t wants to even after thinking. Sometimes it feels like man has been most foolish in calling himself the most intelligent.
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Here is the link to the column that I wrote for behindwoods.com about Tamil cinemas fascination to deal with human pain again and again………..
“As far as the Tamil film industry is concerned I just can’t help but notice an aspect that’s so profound, the fascination to deal with one bold human emotion again and again -‘pain’. “
Friday, July 24, 2009

Thursday, July 16, 2009

If pain is what everyone wants to get rid oneself off then why do they do it with pain? Pain makes one uncomfortable, disoriented, at times leaves one destroyed. There is pain all around; if life was to be presented as one big play, many would argue that it would be very easy to conclude it with an epilogue that human existence is pain-ridden. Life as they say is a marathon where one has to sweat it out, it’s a marathon where one gets consumed; it’s a marathon which one endeavors to make oneself worthy enough or is it really?, A child stretching out his hands to seek alms what worth could it be of to anybody, people blown into pieces by the bombs planted by fellow human beings what worth it could be of to anybody, a homeless destitute lying dead on the streets what worth it could be of to anybody, one tries to subdue the pain with more pain, why do they do so, what makes them to inflict more pain to get rid off the pain that they are in now…..
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Integrity is your strength and conscience should be the way of your life
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Human Mind
Many a times I have sat in contemplation about the human mind, the way it is able to slip into the pensive state and bounce back to attending to mundane things or extraordinary affairs is something sure to be intrigued about. The brain as a faculty aids each one of us to assume a unique mind and an unique identity of ones own, and this aspect of the mind has kept millions of curious minds over the generations awake, making those minds to reflect over things in a unique way, ponder about things in a unique way, muse about things in a unique way. Myriad's of research, studies have been conducted to understand that aspect of human mind which consecrates every single human being with an uniqueness that we all know and understand as. The minds ability to cogitate, its ability to analyze, its ability to draw conclusions out of those analysis has been a mystery ever since human beings started to ruminate over it. Even after 10 centuries of research and findings about the brain and its functions, even after documenting thousands of findings about it for the benefit of posterity, “Human Brain and Human mind” still remains as mysterious as it has always been.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
© Kumars Photography
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Chennai Central Prison

This particular write up is the wish of my friend Srinivasan and I am writing it on his asking.
They say that it’s a free world and everyone who lives in it is an embodiment of the freedom that it symbolizes, but on 06/03/09 I really felt what it would be like to not to be free. Central prison is synonymous with the freedom that one loses, when the protocols of a civilized society is breached.
One particular drawing done by an inmate struck me, the drawing was about different kinds of knifes and swords used by miscreants, blood was shown dripping from the edges of the swords next to it was a mans head, I could only imagine the kind of life the people who lived within those walls might have lived in the outer world, I saw words of abuses, names, dates, messages, serial numbers all scribbled across the walls. The prison looked quite old and I was told that it was made empty in 2007, but just recently the government decided to keep it open for the visitors.
-Photo by Prasanna kumar
Friday, January 23, 2009
9700 days approx.....
9700 days approximately, I have lived through these many days till now. “9700 days” when I look at it in terms of a numerical figure associated with days, month’s and years it seems like a long long time, but out of these many days there are very few days I remember.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Sometimes I am overtaken by the overwhelming feeling to write, during those instances I feel an invigorating urge to write without a clue about what I want to write, and many a times in those moments the moment I switch on my laptop the neurons in my head whacks my adrenaline which makes me to go for everything that stand’s corrupted, everything that makes this world an unsafe place to live, everything that shouldn’t have ever existed, But there have been few instances where in the moment I switch on my computer a kind of silence subdues my mind, its not the silence which arises out of desperation nor it is the silence which arises because I have nothing new to say, but it’s a kind of silence that one experiences after knowing all the answers to all the questions . "The silence which knows all the answers to all the questions", I never knew why I used to feel that way and I never wanted to know...........
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Anger With in....
There is anger in me, I don’t know why? But all I know is I am angry, so what’s the big deal many might say and that’s what I tell to myself “so what is the big deal? So does everybody in their lives”. I read once, somewhere that Anger is a state of mind and it always has a reason, I tried to conjure up a reason to match the state of anger in me but I couldn’t. some are angry because of the things that happen around them and some are angry because of the things that happen within them and some are angry because of the things that happen with them but all I know is I am angry and I don’t know why. I don’t know the reason for my anger may be because I don’t want to know or may be because there are too many reasons and I don’t want to take the trouble of identifying each one of them. I don’t know if I am angry because of the chaos that I see around me or the chaos that I don’t see happening around me, I don’t know if I am angry at people who create that chaos or at people who don’t question the reasons behind it, I don’t know if i am angry at people who are superficial or at people who make life look superficial, I don’t know if I am angry because of the people who are bad or who act good. I don’t know if I am angry at people who are angry or at people who don’t see the anger around just as I do. I don’t know, I really don’t know, I don’t know the reason for my anger may because I don’t want to create a reference to the emotion that I carry in me. I don’t want to create a reference to it because I just want it to fade away in time and I know sure it will…..